A recent article published by Time magazine reveals that doctors are at high risk for depression. Their profession doesn’t protect them from mental health issues; in fact, it actually increases the risk for the kind of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that comes along with depression. Additional studies show that the higher risk even affects young medical students, including those in Singapore.

Struggling in Medical School

The Journal of the American Medical Association published the findings, based on research involving 129,000 medical students throughout the world. Two hundred separate studies in 47 countries were a part of the analysis, yielding surprising results. Analysts discovered that about 27 percent of medical students have depression symptoms or are experiencing full-blown major depressive disorder. About 11 percent of the medical students admitted to contemplating suicide during their stint in medical school.

Compared to the average person, a medical student is two to five times more likely to suffer from depression. The study discovered a depression prevalence of 9 percent to 56 percent.

Failing to Seek Help

One might think that a medical student would be able to self-diagnose and seek help for symptoms of depression. However, another portion of the analysis revealed that just 16 percent of the depressed medical students obtained help and counselling. One study author, Dr. Douglas Mata, said, “It’s kind of paradoxical, given that they should recognize the signs better than anyone.”

Focusing on Singapore’s Medical Students

The global study highlights a particular area of need among medical students and young doctors in Singapore. Doctors in training may not recognise their own depressed condition right away, or they may be fearful of coming forward and finding help. Medical students are notoriously busy, and may simply not have enough time in their schedules to visit a psychiatrist in Singapore.

Raising awareness for depression among medical students is vital. In addition to campaigns about the issue, medical schools could provide onsite counsellors and psychiatrists so that students could seek help without taking too much time out of their busy schedules.

Expanding the Scope of the Study

The study authors also mentioned the need for more research, comparing the depression rates among medical students to those among students in business school or law school. High-intensity, stressful training at educational institutions may be a major depression risk for other young people, not just those entering the medical profession.

Regaining the Vision

If your life as a medical student is becoming unbearable, and if you’re constantly fighting feelings of sadness, weariness, and hopelessness, look for help. You’ll find it at the Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic, a caring location with experts and staff who are dedicated to improving mental health in Singapore. We’ll work with your schedule to find a time when you can come in and seek help for despair and depression. You have a bright future ahead of you, and we can help you regain not only your vision for the future but your mental health. Contact us today to set up your first visit to our location.

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Source: Time, 6 December, 2016