In an odd incident, a naked woman prevented a van from proceeding along Bendemeer Road in Singapore. The Shin Min Daily News reported the event, in which a female blocked the van and continued to behave strangely and erratically for some time afterward. Police eventually intervened.

A Body Blockade

Around 7:30 a.m. on Monday, January 30, 2017, a van attempting to proceed along Bendeemer Road was suddenly blocked by a naked woman. The woman was sitting in the middle of the road, without any clothing, preventing the vehicle from continuing its route. She even held up her arms, signaling the driver to stop.

A man nearby stepped forward and offered to give the woman his clothing. She put on the donated clothes and walked away with the man. Presumably, he was attempting to take her to her home or find someone to help her and resolve the situation. However, his efforts did not succeed, and the woman came back to the same spot. The van was still there, as delivery driver Mr. Huang waited for police at the scene of the incident. Huang, who is 57 years old, said that the woman removed all her clothing a second time. Then she lay down in the street, underneath the van, in front of its wheels.

Huang spoke to the woman for about 10 minutes, trying to reason with her and find out the reason for her actions. When police arrived on the scene, she put her clothes back on. The police arrested her for her behaviour, escorted her away, and began an investigation, which is still ongoing. It is unclear whether the van driver knew the woman or why she attempted to prevent the van from moving.

Symptoms of Mental Illness

When a person is suffering from poor mental health in Singapore or elsewhere in the world, the symptoms can manifest in a variety of ways. For the woman involved in this incident, recklessness and a lack of inhibitions may have contributed to her strange behaviour. While there may be more to the story, the situation highlights the need for awareness and attention to mental health in Singapore.

Perhaps you have a loved one, a coworker, a spouse, a child, or a boyfriend or girlfriend who occasionally behaves in strange and confusing ways. Maybe this person acts out at home or in public, exhibiting odd behaviour that frightens or disturbs others. The underlying reasons may be emotional or psychological, perhaps a condition beyond the person’s control. If you recognise these symptoms, get help from the caring experts at Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic.

A Caring, Confidential Environment for Mental Health

Our Singapore psychiatrists are highly trained and experienced in dealing with a broad range of mental illnesses. We use effective medication, various kinds of therapy, and counselling sessions to help people regain mental balance. At our office, your story and your struggles are confidential. We protect your privacy, and we care about your happiness and your future. Make an appointment today, or convince a struggling friend to come by for a consultation.

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Source: Straits Times, January 31, 2017