
According to a recent report via, Ng Yao Wei received a 7-year jail sentence for the brutal stabbing of his elder brother. The trial revealed that Ng Yao Wei had suffered mental and physical harm from his brother for years, leading up to his eventual violent outburst. If Ng had sought effective treatment for his mental health in Singapore, his brother could be alive and Ng would be a free man, in a much healthier state of mind.

A Tale of Two Brothers

It was April 12th, and Ng was enjoying some computer gaming with a group of friends. Ng’s father and older brother were watching TV in the same room. An argument erupted around 11 p.m., whether Ng’s brother Yao Cheng yelled at Ng for being too loud. Yao started a physical altercation and had to be held back by Ng’s father. Ng claims that he was embarrassed that his friends had to witness his brother’s violent outburst. On that same night, he hid a knife under his pillow which he obtained from the kitchen.

The next evening, Ng initiated a conversation with his brother about the outburst of the previous night. Instead of coming to a resolution of the conflict, the two young men began to argue. Ng lashed out verbally, calling his brother names, and Yao Cheng leaped forward to throw punches. At that moment, Ng snatched the knife from under the pillow and began stabbing his brother over and over. He stabbed Yao Cheng 22 times before stopping.

Hearing the noise, Ng’s mother and another household member ran in, only to find Yao Cheng dead and Ng standing over his body with the knife. Blood splatters covered the ceiling, walls, beds, and curtains. Ng himself went out of the room and called the police, telling them about the murder and asking them to come at once.

The Effects of Mental Illness and Depression

Ng’s behavior throughout the incident indicated mental illness, and upon examination by a forensic psychiatrist in Singapore, he was diagnosed with a major depressive disorder. The deputy public prosecutor recognised Ng’s mental illness and sought jail time between 7-10 years. The defense brought to court evidence of the mental torture and physical abuse inflicted on Ng by his brother over a number of years, citing this ongoing abuse as the primary cause of his depression and his eventual explosion of violence.

Ng Yao Wei was acting out as a result of years of resentment, anger, and bitterness. He was tired of being verbally bullied and physically abused by his brother for decades. Ng himself recognized that he was becoming severely depressed; in fact, he went to the Institute of Mental Health and received a prescription for anti-depressant medication. Unfortunately, he did not take those pills or seek further treatment. He let his depression and anger turn into uncontrolled rage, lashing out in violence that left his sibling dead in the middle of a horrific scene.

The Opportunity for Recovery

If you or anyone in your circle of friends is suffering from abuse or persistent depression, visit Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic. Here you’ll find a confidential, safe space to share your struggles and receive the help that you need. You don’t have to suffer alone! Find hope for the future with the help of our psychiatrist in Singapore.

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Source: Today, September 19, 2016