Dr Matthew Woo 胡楚斌 博士
DClinPsych (Australia), Hons (Australia)
Principal Consultant Clinical Psychologist | Certified Practitioner (EMDR, Singapore) | Certified Facilitator (EMDR Institute, USA) | MOH Fellowship (Community Psychiatry, USA) | MOH Fellowship (Sex Offender Intervention, USA)
Dr. Matthew Woo was formerly in the employment of the Institute of Mental Health for 19 years and held the position of Senior Principal Clinical Psychologist in Singapore and Deputy Head of the Department of Psychology. He was the recipient of two Health Manpower Development Program fellowship awards for Community Psychiatry (Los Angeles and Chicago, in 2003) and Sex Offender Interventions (Portland, in 2010). He is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the National University of Singapore (NUS), and has been with the School of Psychology since 2006. He also teaches on the Introduction to Psychotherapy (CBT track) that is run annually by the Department of Graduate Medical School at NUS, and is also an adjunct lecturer at the Masters of Counseling program at the Singapore Institute of Management (UNISim).
Dr. Matthew is listed as a key contributor towards evidence-based psychotherapy for the Ministry of Health (Singapore)’s 2015 edition of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anxiety Disorders. He is the President-elect of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Asia, an organisation that upholds the standards and training of EMDR across Asia. He was founder president of EMDR Singapore in 2010-2012, and had been a facilitator with the EMDR institute since 2012.
Dr. Matthew’s clinical experience and interests are primarily in the area of trauma, stress, anxiety and mood-related disorders. Through the years, He has acquired a wealth of experience in facilitating and lecturing on the National Emergency Behaviour/Crisis Management courses and workshops. He specializes in EMDR therapy and mental health issues and can do a range of assessments related to personality profiling and forensic evaluations.