Fussy Eating or a Serious Medical Problem Commentary by SUE ANNE NUMMELA

Kids go through phases and every parent knows just how fickle their preferences can be, especially when it comes to food. They fall in love with certain things quickly and they fall out of love just as fast. Their favourite meal today could be something that they’ll vehemently refuse eating the next time around.

Just about every parent under the sun has faced issues like fussy eating but most will not pay attention to such behaviours when it comes to their kids. Some parents will either forcibly push their kids to eat things that they do not like or go to the other extreme by giving in and cook solely foods that they demand for.

Which one of these strategies works well? What is the right approach and can parental mistakes lead to serious problems down the line?

These are just some of the questions that principal consultant psychologist at Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic Sue Anne Han answers in an extensive commentary piece for Channel News Asia.

The article entitled “When Is Your Child’s Fussy Eating a Serious Medical Problem” examines a mental disorder that doesn’t get spoken of very often – avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. It explores the relationship between early childhood experiences and food aversions that individuals can internalise later on in life.

Additionally, the article provides guidance and useful suggestions parents can implement to overcome fussy eating in the most productive way that will benefit the child. Undertaking such steps early on is imperative to reduce the risk of major food-related mental health problems down the line.

To learn more about avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and the parental action required to reduce the risk of that mental health disorder, check out the commentary in Channel News Asia below

The article can be found here.

Here is the Channel News Asia article that reported on this case in case you cannot access the link: