Ways to Utilise Art as a Form of Self-Care During Challenging Times
At challenging moments like the present coronavirus pandemic, we need to put more emphasis on self-care than ever before. Certain practices have established themselves as mental health improvement staples. Art is one of them and here are several ways anyone can rely on it.

Getting Caught Up In Your Emotions And Cannot Seem to Get Out?
Feelings can be signals trying to get us to pay attention to something we need, something we are not tending to. In fact, the root meaning of 'psychotherapy' in Greek is 'tending to the soul'.

The Anti-Depression Benefits of Art Therapy During Social Isolation
Psychologists from all parts of the world have expressed concerns about the way in which social distancing is impacting mental wellbeing. The risk of depression is high in quarantined individuals but could something be done to manage the problem? Art therapy is emerging as one of the viable therapeutic choices.

Art Therapy for Dementia: When Creativity Overcomes Cognitive Decline
Psychiatrists in Singapore have accomplished excellent results in the treatment of dementia patients with art therapy.

Art Therapy with Children
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Imagine a world where nothing was impossible - there were no limits, no right or wrong. Space, where there was complete freedom to be anything you wanted to be, a place where a line could be called a circle, a tree, was blue, and fishes walked. That’s the safe place where imagination starts, and safety is created for art therapy to take place.

Benefits of Sculpture as Art Therapy for Dementia Patients
One study shows how sculptural art therapy can help relieve anxiety and improve cognition for dementia patients.

Art Therapy Vs. Colouring
Are adult colouring books the same as art therapy? Discover the clear differences between colouring and true Art Therapy

Art Therapy Soothes Child Refugees Traumatised by ISIS
Thanks to The Red Pencil, a Singapore charity, traumatised refugee children in Lebanese camps are finding some healing through art therapy.

Art Therapy Improves Quality of Life for Seniors
Thanks to a recent study, psychiatrists in Singapore can now have a better understanding of how art therapy affects the elderly.

Achieving Insight Through Art Therapy
Are you struggling with the results of trauma? Art therapy is a powerful tool for reclaiming mental health.