Entries by Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic

Addressing The Mental Health Of Singapore Youth Entering The Workforce

As young adults in Singapore enter the workforce, they take with them many mental health challenges. With this new chapter in their life, they often don’t know what to expect, or who to turn to. Depression, anxiety, and stress can all affect a young adult starting a job for the first time. The National Trades Union Congress and mental health clinics have both dedicated time, energy, and resources into supporting the needs of employed Singapore youth.

Sue Anne Han, Adelphi Psych Principal Psychologist contributes to CNA article on shopping and overspending

Online shopping has experienced quite an uptick during the pandemic and it’s partly caused by people self-treating mental health woes with retail therapy. This piece from CNA titled Impulse buying: Why some people can’t stop shopping and how not to overspend, shares some expert insights from Adelphi Psych’s own Sue Anne Han.