You Don’t Have To Suffer Alone Says Singer Sammi Cheng

You Don't Have to Suffer Alone, Says Singer Sammi Cheng

Did you know that certain types of artificial light can harm or help your mental health? Get the scoop on blue light.
Untreated Depression and Its Long-Term Effects on the Brain

Study: Untreated Depression and Its Long-Term Effects on the Brain

Find out what researchers learned about the long-term effects of untreated depression on the brain.
Memories of War Become Beautiful with Art Therapy

Memories of War Become Beautiful with Art Therapy

Discover how Veteran Robert Bradley found that art therapy could help him process and escape his traumatic memories of war.
A Push for Progress in Youth Education about Mental Health

A Push for Progress in Youth Education about Mental Health

A recent study shows that Singapore's youth still have strong misconceptions about mental illness. Find out how that could change.
The Source of the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness

The Source of Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness

A new report says that child mental health services and a nation's ranking on the Human Development Index are closely linked.
How to Approach the Uncomfortable, Vital Topic of Child Suicide Prevention

How to Approach the Uncomfortable, Vital Topic of Child Suicide Prevention

Find out how parents can learn the signs of suicide risk so they can prevent tragedy in their own families.
Schizophrenia and Quality of Life

Schizophrenia and Quality of Life

Can people with schizophrenia live a normal life? Find out how some manage to live with the disorder and still stay productive.
What is a game disorder?

What is "Gaming Disorder"?

The WHO may be planning to classify obsessive, addictive gaming as a mental disorder. Find out more.
The Depression Themed Escape Room

The Depression-Themed Escape Room

In light of singer Kim Jonghyun's suicide, it's important to know the signs of #depression so you can help yourself or your friends.
Recognising Mental Disorders in Singapore

Study: Recognising Mental Disorders By Young Doctors in Singapore

A new study shows that young Singapore doctors must learn to recognise mental disorders in their patients.