According to Teen Vogue, Adele recently opened up about her struggles with depression after her son was born. The British music star revealed details about the experience and how she was able to overcome it.
Postpartum Depression in Singapore
According to statistics presented by the Centers for Disease Control, 11-20% of women who have babies in the United States suffer from some form of post-partum depression (PPD). The percentage is likely similar in Singapore, although there are no studies or statistics to confirm those numbers. Postpartum depression is very real and serious illness, but it continues to be stigmatised throughout Singapore.
The Stigma of Postpartum Depression
In the interview, which was conducted in connection with Adele’s Vanity Fair cover, the singer said, “I had really bad postpartum depression after I had my son, and it frightened me. I didn’t talk to anyone about it. I was very reluctant.”
Many mothers with PPD feel the same way. They know that they are expected to bond immediately with their babies and cherish each moment throughout those first months; but when those moments are messy, painful, boring, and exhausting, women find themselves realising that motherhood is not as beautiful, glowing, and satisfying as they thought it would be. That realisation, coupled with the hormone imbalance that sometimes follows birth, can drive them into depression.
The Story of Blogger SassyMama
One South Asian-American blogger named Pooja Makhijani, who goes by the handle SassyMamaSG, tells of her struggles with this mood disorder. She was a new arrival in Singapore, brought by her husband’s job, and she had her baby a year after the move. She did not bond well with her baby, and her emotions traveled the gamut from anger to boredom to guilt to despair and sadness. She struggled with suicidal thoughts.
In spite of her growing mental distress, SassyMama did not feel that she could seek help. Her fellow expatriates assumed she was fine, and she feared the social stigma of mental illness in Singapore. Finally, she confessed her feelings to her mother-in-law, who rushed to her aid and helped her through the following weeks with sympathy and love instead of judgement.
Shedding the Shame
As Sassy Mama discovered, sometimes talking to someone about the depression makes all the difference. Adele shared a similar experience that became the turning point for her PPD. One day she told a friend how much she hated those days of early motherhood. The friend, who was also secretly suffering from PPD, began to cry and told Adele that she felt the same way. The two felt suddenly lighter after telling each other how they really felt. Adele decided to take one afternoon every week to do as she liked while someone else cared for the baby.
In some cases, the postpartum depression may require medication, therapy, or other forms of treatment. Whatever your needs may be, don’t feel ashamed. You are not alone; there are hundreds of thousands of women who feel exactly as you do. Take care of yourself, and you’ll be in a healthier place, better able to care for your baby.
A Place to Find Peace
Are you sinking in the darkness of postpartum depression? Don’t let yourself drown in it when there is help nearby! At Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic, you can come to a psychiatrist in Singapore who will offer you real help. You can be free to express the struggles, sorrow, and pain that you’re experiencing, and you will be aided and treated, not judged. Our offices are private and comfortable, and we protect our clients’ confidentiality. For women struggling with postpartum mental health in Singapore, Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic is the place to seek hope.
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Source: Teen Vogue, 1 November, 2016